October 26, 2020 – Today the Government of Canada and Genome Canada announced two (2) Ontario-led and two (2) Ontario co-led projects that are bringing a total of $40.1 million in investment into Ontario.
Today’s announcement includes funding to support a two-year pilot project by the international Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) that in this Phase V project will help transform drug discovery and biomedicine by the year 2035. In collaboration with industry, SGC will harness open science and employ innovative strategies including artificial intelligence to develop tools to better understand proteins involved in many cancers and other debilitating and rare diseases.
Ontario Genomics is so proud to be working with these talented teams. These programs fund translational research and development projects that address real-world challenges and opportunities as identified by industry, government, not-for-profits, and other “receptors” of genomics knowledge and technology. This funding will help Ontario’s leading researchers produce dramatic breakthroughs in agriculture, health, environment, and across the bioeconomy.
Learn more about the projects announced today:
- CLEan plAnt extractioN SEquencing Diagnostics (CLEANSED) for Clean Grapevines in Canada (Agriculture, GAPP)
- Stopping Enteric Illnesses Early (Sentinel) (Health, GAPP)
- Caribou Genomics: A National Non-Invasive Monitoring Approach for an Iconic Model Species-At-Risk (Environment, GAPP)
- Target 2035: WDR Proteins as a Technology Testbed for Illuminating the Dark Proteome (Health, SGC)
Learn more about this announcement: Genome Canada News Release