Talent Development

Ontario Genomics enables challenge-oriented knowledge translation, training, education, and talent development across sectors through various programs to strengthen Ontario’s research and innovation potential.  We also promote genomics literacy and awareness by mobilizing genomics knowledge through traditional, social media, events, and strategic partnerships. 

Our impact extends beyond Ontario and Canada to the whole world. By supporting innovation and science, our community is able to make amazing strides to solve the world’s greatest challenges.

An Exploration of Genomics in Agriculture and Food

Ontario students and teachers can explore the intersection of genomics & agriculture with our free educational resource created as a part of the Ontario Regional Priorities Partnership Program (ON-RP3). 

This resource provides engaging lessons and activities to educate students (Grades 7-12) on the role genomics plays in agri-food innovation and a variety of related career paths students could explore. It also includes a video series to engage the public on the role of genomics in agri-food and how it can help address food security, climate change, and animal welfare.

Genomics-Based Applied Research Partnership (GAPP)

Unifying genomics-based applied research, education, and training across the province, Loyalist College and Canadore College have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Ontario Genomics to drive economic growth, improve quality of life and provide leadership to support key sectors in the province. 

Students will benefit as new and enhanced work-integrated learning opportunities and genomics-based solutions will be applied to real-world business challenges to advance Ontario’s bioeconomy.

Overview Poster - Ontario Genomics-CANSSI Ontario Postdoctoral Fellowship in Genome Data Science

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Genome Data Science

A joint funding opportunity from Ontario Genomics and CANSSI Ontario is establishing another joint Postdoctoral Fellowship in Genome Data Science. 

This Fellowship will support the work of early-career investigators pursuing research in the areas of statistical genetics, environmental genetics, or the economics and impacts of genomic technologies, in a climate changing world.

AcCELLerate-ON: Food Innovation with Cellular Agriculture

AcCELLerate-ON, Canada’s first regional cellular agriculture competition, supports the research and development of novel and innovative viable food production methods with the intent to drive economic growth and Ontario’s global leadership in this new and sustainable way to produce food.

According to the 2021 Ontario Genomics report, Cellular Agriculture, Canada’s $12.5 Billion Food Opportunity, Canada has a significant opportunity on the horizon with scenarios suggesting a $7.5 billion a year industry and up to 86,000 jobs created by 2030. Longer term, the industry has the potential to reach $12.5 billion a year with the creation of up to 142,000 jobs.

Landing Pad Investment Program

This program provides investment and support to help Ontario-based genomics and engineering biology companies to start and scale successfully. To enable this, OG is offering support to start-ups and entrepreneurs that attend an approved International Accelerator Program and return to Ontario upon completion. 

The Landing Pad Investment Program helps Ontario-based start-ups grow by reinforcing talent development and R&D which will in turn drive economic growth and Ontario’s global leadership in a successful and sustainable manner.


Ontario Genomics’ BioCreate program actively supports to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in southern Ontario seeking to commercialize genomics and engineering biology enabled products and/or technologies in the health, food and agriculture, and cleantech sectors.

BioCreate is providing funding, access to mentorship and business support to enable companies to raise additional financing to achieve commercial outcomes.

BioCreate Program