Ontario Genomics spearheads groundbreaking initiatives in the field of genomics, standing at the forefront of cutting-edge research and innovation. Harnessing the power of genomics, we have paved the way to leverage Ontario’s tremendous advantage and capacity to collaborate across sectors and provinces to lead the 4th industrial revolution and the global bioeconomy-fueled markets.
Leveraging cutting-edge genomic technologies, these initiatives seek to unlock new avenues for sustainable advancements, providing transformative solutions to address pressing global challenges.
We are supporting a modern engineering biology-based, sustainable bioeconomy to establish Ontario as a global leader in novel, industrial scale advanced biomanufacturing technologies and biotechnologies.
Cellular agriculture presents a significant global opportunity to diversify food production while complementing existing traditional production approaches.
Ontario Genomics has partnered with n!Biomachines to drive the growth of Ontario’s cellular agriculture and biotech industries and support talent development.
Ontario Genomics’ new wasteCANcreate program is bringing together Canadian researchers and industry partners to covert food waste into bioplastics creating real-world solutions to Ontario, and the rest of the world.
Ontario Genomics is taking an active role in educating students about the power of genomics, as well as supporting skills development programs for the workforce of the future.
Leveraging cutting-edge genomic technologies, these initiatives seek to unlock new avenues for sustainable advancements, providing transformative solutions to address pressing global challenges.
In response to the global pandemic, Ontario Genomics rapidly galvanized Ontario’s world-leading genomics and data expertise and capacity through a coordinated, province-wide approach – The ONCoV Genomics Coalition.
This Strategic Report presents a set of recommendations to ensure the continued sustainability and accelerated growth of Ontario’s agriculture and food sector over the next decade.
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