The Centre for Applied Genomics (TCAG), founded in 1998, has been a Genome Canada Science and Technology Platform since 2001. TCAG provides genomics support and analysis to more than 800 Principal Investigator labs per year, a total of more than 2,000 over its lifetime, spanning 45 countries, 317 academic institutions, 150 companies and 46 government agencies and non-governmental organizations. Through its work, TCAG has catalyzed many significant scientific advances. TCAG developed and hosts the Database of Genomic Variants and the Ontario Population Genomics Platform repository, leads the “MSSNG” autism genome sequencing project and the Canadian Personal Genome Project, and is the Toronto node of Canada’s Genomics Enterprise (CGEn), a national network of whole genome sequencing centres.
With additional funding from Genome Canada, TCAG will continue to actively develop novel methodologies for whole genome sequencing, genome assembly and statistical analysis of genome-wide data. These activities will complement the development and implementation of additional pipelines and methods for generating and analyzing genomic data. TCAG will continue to work with national and international partners to advance the utilization of genomics to address many facets of multidisciplinary science, including a strong focus on human diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders.