Biopesticide with New Modes of Action for Control of Highly Polyphagous Mite Agricultural Pests


Pest management is a top priority for Canada’s horticulture greenhouse sector (with farm gate value of $3.9 billion), which provides Canadians with fresh produce year-round. The two-spotted spider mite (TSSM) presents a particular threat to crop security due to its well-documented resistance to pesticides. This project will develop, register and commercialize RNAi biomiticide (dsRNA biopesticides specific for mites) against the TSSM to effectively manage its outbreaks. Project researchers—the first to demonstrate that RNAi-based silencing operates in TSSM—have already developed protocols for high-throughput screening of RNAi targets, provided proof-of-principle that sprayable RNAi works against TSSM, and identified effective TSSM RNAi targets. The project benefits from Greenlight Biosciences’ experience in commercializing and producing RNAi biopesticides and the Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers’ first-hand knowledge of the needs of Canada’s horticulture greenhouse growers. A potential game-changer for mite control, RNAi biomiticide will not only provide the sector with potential economic benefits of ~$600 million peryear. It will also provide growers with an alternative to synthetic chemical insecticides, thus reducing their environmental footprint.